Tuesday, March 3, 2015

And the Second Stop is......

Suva, Fiji

image from http://fijiflag.facts.co/fijiflagof/fijiflag.php

This past month (since we got the bid list) has been torture. We picked our top choices....but we were worried to get too excited, since theoretically we could be assigned to any of the 18 posts on our list. So to get our #1 choice was awesome!

To help orient you where in the world Fiji is, check out this map. We are heading to the South Pacific!

image from http://matangi-island-fiji-resort.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/World-Map.gif

We still have 10 months left to explore as much as we can in Tbilisi....but we are also starting to order travel books, fish ID guides, and making a consumable check list and checking it twice....how much sunscreen will a family of four need????? This marine biologist can not wait to get there though!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We've been smiling big for you guys and this post! Congratulations!!!

    1. Matches the Happy Dances we have been doing!

    2. Congrats on an awesome assignment
