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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Little Moments of early 2022

Here's some things we did in early 2022....not worth a post by themselves but important enough to mention.

Fun day of roller blading in the park. 

Junior Model Union and Voce Mea presentation days:

Here's the video of May's speech about being a third culture kid (May's speech starts around the 3 minute mark).

Gorgeous sunset.

Mural painting at a refugee shelter:

Snow on April Fool's Day 2022!

Celebrating Clarissa's birthday (on the plane (literally flew on her bday again!), at home, and with her friends).

May Day celebration in downtown Frankfurt.

Clarissa was on the set design and crew for the school play.

And completing their year 5 project and presentation (they spend the last unit of the year researching a topic of their choice, then putting together a presentation. Clarissa chose airport security. It was really interesting, we learned what happens after our luggage is dropped at the check in counter and where it goes in the airport! We also learned about some of the weirdest things airport security has confiscated from carry-ons and people!)

Clarissa completed her Bronze Award Project (painting a mural in the scout hut) and bridged from Junior to Cadette Girl Scout. May was in the throes of projects and tests to wrap up Year One of the IB program.

We also travelled to Amsterdam, the Netherlands; Orlando (and half the state of Florida); Brussels, Belgium; Trier, Germany; and Luxembourg City, Luxembourg! (Now that we are all packed out, I can get those trips written up!). Needless to say, we were keeping ourselves busy! 

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