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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Summer Adventures 2019 Part 3 - Charleston

So Charleston was our home base over the summer. We knocked out doctor appointments, noshed at our fave restaurants, we celebrated good report cards from the previous year with a fun morning at good ole Chuck'e'Cheese,

of course, the kids smile super nicely together for a the cheap print outs.....

we caught up with friends and family, we took some nice walks,

and mainly enjoyed scenery that wasn't desert for a while!

Even happened upon this sunflower plotting some evil plan.....

Overall, we just tried to relax while in and out (and in and out) of Charleston.  After Richard had headed back to Doha and Mason was in Texas, Clarissa had her first solo adventure! A week at Girl Scout camp! She went to Sandy Ridge for a week of Top Drone camp!

This would be her first time away, without family....and to top it off - she didn't even have anyone from her troop.

Was a bit worried about tears, but it was smiles and excitement when dropping her off. She started to get sad and I took that as my cue to dash.

Luckily, with the technology of today - the camp allowed us to see photos uploaded daily and she appeared to be smiling and having a blast!!

 Lots of fun things to be done!

Super big slip and slide!! Looks like a blast and half!!!

She did in fact love camp! Loved it so much that she asked to go again next summer!! 

We had a lot of rain that week, but I was able to squeeze a little beach time in for myself!

We also saw lots of wildlife while in Charleston - deer, snakes, crabs, periwinkles...oh my!

In the end, Richard had about a month of R&R and the kids and I had two months of R&R (that was our agreement when moving to a super hot climate). We all had a blast.....I have a few more posts of our other summer adventures....coming soon....

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