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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Signs of Warsaw

So while I'm working on a post about my trip with my Dad to Poland (which is a lot of sightseeing/historical adventures we had). I decided to make a post just showcasing a lot of the wonderful and unique signs we saw on our trip.

National Coat of Arms

Kotwica - Anchor symbol from WWII.
Means: Polska walczÄ…ca, "Fighting Poland"

Warsaw Mermaid - Symbolizing Warsaw's Fighting Spirit

Instead of branding the beverage refrigerators, 
they have fun scenes depicting the city and the mermaid. 
My favorite one was the sunbathing mermaid.

Means you can buy delicious ice cream here!
Outside a church, stating when it was built.....
 and when it was rebuilt after WWII.

Fun magnet that mimics their auto plates.

Given I don't carry George around in my wallet currently,
it was odd to see him on these posters all over town.
I can't read Polish, so I am not sure if it is some sort of a
band/music festival or if it is an anti-capitism/anti-American rally.

Not exactly a sign but a crosswalk painted like piano keys....
a little shout out to Chopin

American Food anyone?
(I bought some t-shirts but didn't eat here)

Not sure what he did to the other reindeer for them to turn him into a kebab....
it will be so strange singing 'Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer' next year.....

No Caption Needed 

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