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Monday, April 28, 2014

Earth Day Princess Turns 4!

On Clarissa's actual birthday, we celebrated with some cupcakes (we took the rest to school for a classroom party).

And she opened gifts from us and grandparents/aunts and uncles. She was so methodical when unwrapping gifts. She had to completely remove all wrapping paper before she would allow herself to react with a happy face.

When Mason tried to get excited and react.......he got yelled at.

All wrapping paper off, YEAH!

Since Clarissa's birthday fell right after Easter Break, we waited to the following weekend to have her party.

Clarissa approving her birthday cake after I decorated it Saturday evening.

Can you guess what the theme was?

Richard picked up a couple beers for the parents to enjoy....

20 minutes before the party starts.....Sleeping Beauty?

So we started out with crafts.....decorating a Rapunzel hat with stickers (I made shields for the 2 boys from her class) and making a bead bracelet.

All the kids fed Snow White apples.....

Who doesn't like to knock out evil witches and queens with bean bags....

The popcorn was a huge hit!

The Royal Feast

The arrival of the cake.....she seems surprised at the sight of the cake even though she had peeked in on it in the fridge multiple times during the day.

She did freak out a bit when everyone started singing happy birthday.....she went and hid under the table....."its my party and I'll hide if I want too" ??????

After all the snacks and sweets, the princesses (and pirates) were informed that Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather had lost their wands at the they all ran down to find one (ONE was a tough number, lol....but everyone ended with one wand).

(Yes, that is my hippy child running around barefoot).

All the kids went home with a cloth fairy dust (aka goody) bag......

All and all, I think it was a great Princess Party.

PS - I don't recommend letting 9 year old boys "help" decorate for a Princess Party.

* Sorry for the interesting cropping....some people can be quirky about photos of the their kids online......don't want to be that person and upset anyone. :)

1 comment:

  1. aww.. Happy Birthday to your little princess! What a great party - even the royal throne room!!!
