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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fun Good Bye

So this afternoon we held Mason's going away just happened to be a 'House Party' as well. I signed up for a Super Soaker Party and was picked to be a host.....invite friends, get package of 5 new super soakers and a bunch of yummy new white cheddar puffed corn (went through 4 bags at the party....sent the rest home with guests). I think the 5 super soakers were a big hit....sent 3 of them home as door prizes! Here's some pictures of the crazy fun....
Aiming at the camera
The instruction of just shoot the camera not the photographer didn't go so well..... one sees me, time for a sneak attack! (watch your back!)
Aahhh man, he got you!

Little Sis in the mix....Clarissa didn't like the cold water all that much and wasn't strong enough to shoot at anyone....
Refill time!
Girls defending their castle from those boys.....
Boys plotting how to take over the castle....

I think all the kids ran around for 2 hours straight...most will hopefully sleep in tomorrow and give their dads a little father's day rest....Mason was able to pass out his 'business' cards with his contact info/ blog site (hence I'm blogging so his friends can see the fun they had!) and I confirmed their mailing addresses so they can all work on their cursive and spelling while being pen pals......Thanks to all the friends that could make it!

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