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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fall Break Day One

It must of have been the FL sun.....I don't remember seeing any trees with this many ripe oranges!
 So for fall break (oh, back in October) we drove down to Orlando. Since we drove down after work on Friday and got in late, we decided to take it easy on Saturday. So in the morning we went to a citrus orchard to pick some oranges, grapefruit and key limes. It was hard to determine which ones were the perfect ripeness to pick (a lot where relatively green but ripened nicely by the time we got home and have been delicious!). Ended up freezing a good bit of key lime juice for making pies for a good bit! Just made one for Thanksgiving....yum!
No Daddy, I do!

Watch Me....
Too Cute!
Playing checkers in the country store

After orange picking, we attempted to nap (some more successfully than others) and swam in the pool.....we were also able to catch the USC game.....

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