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Rental Property

The great pandemic of 2020 got us thinking...what if we had been posted in a country with a healthcare system that was lacking and we had to take authorized departure for health reasons, where would we have gone to quarantine? Both sets of our parents are older (duh?) and in the 'at risk' group so we wouldn't want to crash there. Of course the whole 'quarantine' concept means by our only option would have been rent a place as we didn't have a place of our own. Then what if someone tested positive and that quarantine got extended...that could have gotten pricey quick. So we started online shopping (we had all the time in the world as every place but grocery stores and pharmacies were closed here). Our criteria was near an international airport, in Florida (since we are residents and have a kid starting college in a few years), with good short term rental potential (so we can cover the note when we aren't using it). Orlando hit that sweet spot! A few summers, we've commented we need a vacation from vacation. The "couch surfing" every summer gets draining (I think one year I packed/unpacked 12 times). So, we found a place big enough for us and guests. So we can land and some close family/friends can come to us (who doesn't want to take a vacation in Orlando)! There is a ton to do in the area (possibly you've heard of DisneyWorld, Universal Studios, SeaWorld, golf courses galore, etc), beaches on both coasts about an hour away, the climate is mild in the winter (and will seem cool in the summer compared to our time in, and of course has the international airport. So with out further ado...check out our new digs on our website!! 

Here's a a few pictures to peak your interest......first the private splash overlooking the pond.

The main living area has some Florida style furniture that is comfortable, though not 100% our style...but when in Florida, might as well feel like you are in Florida....

The main suite with some neat artwork on the wall.

If you are interested in staying at our property on your next adventure to Orlando when we aren't around, then email us (hopefully soon we'll have a fancy availability calendar soon).

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