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About Us

We are a family of four (plus a cat). We move every few years due to Richard's job with the State Department (they are always hiring so if you are interested in starting your own adventure, check out State's Website to see if there are openings). When we are posted in a new country, we try to take advantage of our home across the world and do as much regional travel as we can. We also try to throughly explore the country we are posted in. This little blog is a way to document these adventures and to keep our family and friends up to date. Enjoy!

PS - In case you didn't see the disclaimer....anything written on this blog is meant to be an update to family and friends. All interesting tid bits of information are our personal opinions and in no way an expression of the State Department, US Government or any of its Agencies. Any complaints....send them to me (now it is entirely possible I'll just delete the complaint and ignore you...hee hee).

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