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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ski Weekend: Gudauri Georgia

So the CLO office coordinated a ski trip. Given we brought our Prius, which is great for around town (gas is about 8GEL/gallon over here (~$4/gallon)) we don't adventure into the snowy mountains on our own. We rode to Gudauri Marco Polo hotel, just under 2 hours from Tbilisi.

After checking in and renting gear, the boys headed off to snow boarding lessons.

Clarissa and I checked out the scenery and played in the snow.

Clarissa made a ton of snow angels. Unfortunately, the snow was real powdery and we could not make an Olaf (I could not follow her into the snow either....I would sink down to my knees in snow).

We noticed that Queen Elsa had been here!

Later in the afternoon, we headed to the pool and hot tub.

Gudauri is located on the southern slopes of the Greater Caucasus Mountains in the Kazbegi region of Georgia. We enjoyed a beautiful sunrise as the sun came over the mountains.

After breakfast, we went for a walk into the town of Gudauri. It is a cute little ski village with pretty new looking hotels.

We saw a pretty church on the edge of the mountain.

After our walk, the kids played in the snow (we totally forgot to pack their sleds).  Note the flying snow about to hit Clarissa in the face.....big brothers....sigh.

Richard practiced his snowboarding skills.

Played with icicles.....

Apparently, no one was safe from snowballs.....thanks, Mason.....

They had a little inner tube ride, which Clarissa loved.

The next day, we opted to ride the ski lift up the mountain....and back down...(FYI, I don't ski, I tumble down mountains. In fact, the two times I have been on a ski lift, well I have fallen on my face getting off. So I will stick to hanging out at the pool and getting a massage....that I can do!)

For Christmas, we got a GoPro as a gift. We forgot the helmet mount, but we did take it on our ski lift ride.

The CLO is planning another ski trip this ski season. Mason is wanting to try skiing instead of snowboarding. Richard enjoyed snowboarding and wants to snowboard some we may be heading up the mountains again soon (is it summer yet? I like warm beaches.....).

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Monday's Moment: Teaching & Bidding

Image from:

Friday, January 16, 2015

Will you accept

So we got our bid list for our second assignment on Monday. We have about a month to research all seventeen of the posts and then rank them as a high, medium, low fit for our family. With two school age kids (eek, Clarissa is starting Kindergarten next year!), that is the most important thing to us.

That being said, I feel a bit like the Bachelor (or Bachelorette depending on the season) (yes, I know it is a horrible show to be drawn into......).

As we read a post report and watch a video, you start to fall in love with that post (just like the bachelor does on a date). You begin imagining your future at that post.

Then, just like a new date card being delivered, you begin researching another post and you fall in love with that post too.

How can I be in love with more than one post?!?!?!

But you have to be careful, because ultimately we don't decide (the CDO does), so you don't want to get your heart shattered if our rose doesn't get accepted......

Coming up later during the most dramatic bidding season ever, the sleepless nights awaiting the email with our next post, how do the kids react, the phone call to tell our parents where to book their next plane ticket too, planning the move to the most romantic location in the world, you will not want to miss it!